My Heart of Darkness.

where the thin line between illusion and reality becomes blurred by the very hand that draws it; where the search for answers lead to more questions; where you have to be broken to be built; where nothing sees miracles but misery. Welcome to my Heart of Darkness.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Mugger definition 1: A devious, good-for-nothing fellow with an intention of robbing another of his/her valuables. A highly individualistic species, they normally work alone for profit maximisation. Can be seen 'mugging' in some dingy and poorly lit back alley and hence posting a distinct threat to amorous couples making-out.

Mugger definition 2: (Usually used in a Singaporean context) A person who is overly-hardworking, often used with the prefix 'chao' to form the compound phrase 'chao mugger' although it remains to be scientifically proven the connection between body odour and studying. Can be seen 'mugging' in secluded corners of your local library and hence posing a distinct threat to amorous couples making-out.

Mugger definition 3: A beer-fanatic. This species is commonly identified through their frequent insights that 4 mugs make a jug and there should be an inch of foam on every mug. Can be seen 'mugging' at your neighbourhood kopi tiam or anywhere with good cheap beer. When overly 'mugged' or intoxicated, they tend to become rowdy and overbearing, hence posting a distinct threat to amorous couples making-out.


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